October 30, 2024

Wyndham This Girl Can Week

Hello! Before we move into the tail end of the year, it might be worth reflecting on what November and December usually look like for you, what your energy levels and responsibilities are usually like, and making some plans around both how you can use movement to manage any stress, as well as contingency plans for when you are short on energy and/or time, as many of us are near the end of the year.

I’m someone who uses walking to keep my stress levels in check, and one way I manage to stay reasonably consistent with this is to have a few different walking options I can choose from depending on how I’m feeling and how busy I am, and to do this I’ve created something of an informal walking route menu I can choose from, with options that scale from 5 minutes to an hour. Of course, just taking a rest and watching something silly on TV is always an option – movement is the answer to a lot of things but definitely not everything!

You may wish to create a little movement menu for yourself based on things you like doing, with options for when you’re tired and grumpy, when you’re feeling great, when you can do when you can’t get time to yourself, when you need to clear your head etc. You might like to include things like stretches you know feel good, and think about location and music too.

If you’d like some help with this, feel free to book a session with me to come up with some ideas together.

I’d love to hear how you go!

In other news, for Wyndham’s This Girl Can Week I’ll be running a free online chair-based class of gentle movements and stretches on Wednesday November 13th. It’s open to people everywhere of all ages, genders and abilities and you’re welcome to keep your camera off if you prefer. You can book your spot here

Warm regards,